
viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011

Yangon Airways (2009)

Por alguna razón, la insistencia de esta aerolínea birmana en lo seguros que son, más que tranquilizarme,  me da mala espina ... Su slogan es "You're safe with us", su revista de a bordo se llama Safe Wings e incluso afirman estar aprobados por la agencia europea de seguridad EASA.

Aunque la web sigue activa, la empresa dejó de operar a finales de 2010, aunque aparentemente fue debido a su relación con opositores separatistas al régimen birmano.

Yangon Airways is an airline from Myanmar that insists on its safety reputation so much that for some reason it makes me feel uneasy about it. Its slogan is "You're safe with us", its board magazine is called Safe Wings and it even claims it is approved by the European safety agency EASA.

Its website is still online, but the airline stopped operations in late 2010. It seems that the withdrawal  of its commercial transport license was due to the affiliation of the airline with Myanmar separatists.

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