
lunes, 16 de julio de 2012

Iberia (1999/2000), Galicia

Este era un momento de transición para Iberia: Recién entrada en Oneworld, recién privatizada, y cuando se consumaba la absorción de Aviaco.

Aunque se empezaba a centrar todo el tráfico en Madrid, todavía operaba algunos vuelos europeos desde ciudades como Santiago (pero algunos, como el de Frankfurt, es simplemente un vuelo directo con cambio de avión en Barcelona) aunque algunos, como el de París, se transferían a un Fokker 50 de Air Nostrum (!) como indica la numeración 8xxx. El vuelo de Vigo a París era también una herencia de la antigua red de Aviaco.

También hay un vuelo a Madrid operado con 737, un avión que no tuvo nunca Iberia en su flota propiamente, salvo los que volaron en su momento para Viva Air. Si no me equivoco, esto formaba parte de un acuerdo de Air Europa, que durante un tiempo estuvo operando parte de su flota para Iberia y de hecho se llegó a hablar de una posible fusión entre ambas empresas.

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1999 was an exciting year. Iberia had just been privatized and it had just entered the Oneworld alliance. Also, Aviaco was shut down for ever and its flights were operated as Iberia mainline.

Iberia was starting to focus only on its Madrid hub, but it still flew some European routes from some airports such as Santiago; many of them, however, where just 1 stop direct flights with a change of plane enroute, such as the advertised Santiago-Frankfurt, while others, such as Santiago-Paris, were operated by an Air Nostrum Fokker 50, as you can tell from the IB 8xxx flight number. The Vigo-Paris flight was inherited from the Aviaco route network

There is also a 737 flying to Madrid. Now, Iberia (mainline) never had this kind of aircraft on its fleet, other than the 737 that were once operated by Viva Air. If memory serves me right, this was part of an agreement with Air Europa (there were even proposed merging talks at the time) as some Air Europa planes were flying on behalf of Iberia some of its shorthaul routes. 

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