La verdad es que me he sentido totalmente teletransportado a otra época abriendo de nuevo este folleto ... el concepto de línea aérea de mediados de los 90 y en la actualidad es completamente diferente, aunque no haya pasado tanto tiempo.
¿Cómo hubiera sido el panorama aéreo español con Spanair todavía activa -de preferencia sin haber pasado por el accidente que acabó con la empresa- y con Madrid siendo un aeropuerto hub de tres aerolíneas de tres alianzas diferentes? Es absolutamente imposible saberlo y lo cierto es que dudo que aun siendo tremendamente optimistas hubiéramos llegado a 2015 con un panorama como el que describo ...
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Just like other years, I like to publish some Spanair-related material on this day, since this much beloved airline ceased operations on January 28th 3 years ago.
Looking at this brochure was actually an amazing trip down memory lane. The whole airline concept was just totally different back then, even if 1996 is not that long time ago.
Would Spanair have survived as the second, or third Spanish airline even without the accident that eventually lead to its demise ? Seriously, I doubt it, but it would have been interesting to have three major carriers all of them based at Madrid, each one member of a different alliance ...