martes, 20 de octubre de 2009

Braathens Malmö Aviation (2000)

Malmö Aviation es una compañía sueca que ha pasado por varias manos y cambios de nombre en los últimos años. Durante un tiempo estuvo controlada por la noruega Braathens (que previamente la había fusionado con la extinta Transwede), y por la misma razón en una alianza estratégica con KLM.

Malmö Aviation is a Swedish carrier which has had several rebrandings and owernship changes in the last years. For a while it was under the Norwegian carrier Braathens control, and thus in a strategic partnership with KLM. Braathens had previously merged the former Transwede with Malmö Aviation.

Malmö Aviation


1 comentario:

  1. For more details on Braathens SAFE Airlines like Information, history, baggage details, check in, destinations, fleets, images and more visit "". This URL may be useful.


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