domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009

Iberia (1996)

Un horario de Iberia de 1996, con todas las compañías del Grupo Iberia, con una foto celebrando que acababan de llegar los A340 como el que aparece en la portada. Por entonces Iberia tenía una flota bastante anticuada (727,DC9, A300, DC10 ...)

El Grupo estaba formado por Aviaco (integrada en Iberia), las Binter - Binter Canarias(privatizada) y Binter Mediterráneo (hoy parte de Air Nostrum), Aerolíneas Argentinas y Austral de Argentina, Ladeco de Chile y Viasa de Venezuela (que ya no existen). A esas alturas ya no aparecía Viva Air.

En el mapa de destinos se ve que la red europea era mucho más pequeña que hoy en día.

A 1996 Iberia timetable, showing also the "Grupo Iberia" member carriers schedules. The cover shows a then newly arrived A340. Iberia had an aging fleet at the time (727,DC9, A300, DC10 ...)

Grupo Iberia was composed of Spanish airlines Aviaco (now part of Iberia), Binter (the Canarian branch is now a private carrier and the Mediterranean is part of Air nostrum), Aerolineas Argentinas and Austral from Argentina, Ladeco (now defunct) from Chile and Viasa (also defunct) from Venezuela. Also Viva Air belonged to the group, but has already been dismantled when this timetable was published.

You can also see in the destinations map that their European network was much smaller at the time than it is now.

info (wikipedia): Aviaco, Binter, Ladeco, Viasa

Actualizado el 23/VI/2014 con más y mejores imágenes. Updated on June 23th, 2014 with more, better scanned images. 

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