miércoles, 28 de enero de 2015

Air Liberté, British Airways (1998/1999)

Parece mentira que un país como Francia no tenga una alternativa seria y fuerte frente a la situación
de monopolio de Air France y sus diferentes filiales ... Air Liberté y AOM parecía que iban camino
de serlo, pero se perdieron por el camino...

Este es un folleto de cuando la empresa estaba en su fase final de integración con British Airways, aunque de  hecho poco después Air Liberté pasó a formar parte del grupo Qualiflyer y orbitar en torno a Swissair .

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Isn't it amazing that there is no real, serious alternative in France to the monopolistic airline
scene dominated by Air France and its numerous partner / sister carriers ? AOM and Air Liberté were on its way to become the French second largest airline, but somehow they got lost on its way ...

This timetable was published in the last months of the British Airways ownership of the French carrier, which later on moved to the Qualiflyer / Swissair domain.

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