Until the 80's, Iberia published these brochures with their fares. They were oldfashioned and outdated even at the time, since most travel agents were able to log into their computer systems and check for fares. More often than not they were also cheaper than the official published fares. They use the same corporate covers with the Iberia logo that were used for the timetables.
Mapas de rutas de 1985. En el mapa de Europa se puede ver que entonces había muchos menos destinos, pero que había muchas rutas que no pasaban por Madrid. En los mapas de África/Oriente Medio y América hay muchos destinos sorprendentes (Trípoli, Kuwait, Jedah, Dallas...)
Route maps included in the 1985 brochure. The European network was much smaller at the time. On the other hand, however, there were many European city pairs. Today Iberia links their European network with Madrid almost exclusively. The intercontinental network shows many surprising destinations that are no longer serviced (Tripoli, Kuwait, Jedah, Dallas...)
"Galicia Intercontinental" era un vuelo especial que salía de Santiago para facilitar las conexiones en Barajas. Los trámites de policía y aduana se hacían en Santiago.
An advertisement for "Galicia intercontinental", an special flight on the route Santiago - Madrid suited for passengers with onward connections. Passport and baggage checks were done at Santiago.

Publicidad de las Tarifas Mini (40% de descuento en vuelos domésticos), que incluye un mapa de la red doméstica de Iberia y Aviaco. Por entonces Aviaco volaba de Madrid a Reus y de Barcelona a la Seo d'Urgell (!)
An advertisemente for the "Tarifas Mini", (special discounted fare, 40% off in domestic legs) which also shows the joint Iberia and Aviaco domestic map. At the time Aviaco flew quite strange routes, such as Madrid - Reus and Barcelona -La Seo d'Urgell.
Un ejemplo del interior de este folleto de 1988. Por ejemplo, la ruta Melilla-Tenerife, una de las rutas domésticas más complicadas que se me ocurren, tenía como tarifa publicada más barata 24510 pesetas. A día de hoy Iberia la cotiza en 360,89€ ... Para Melilla-El Hierro, con Iberia y Binter (hace tiempo que Iberia abandonó la ruta), obtengo casi 450 euros como precio más barato ...
An inside look at this 1988 brochure. Melilla-Tenerife is,probably, one of the most complicated domestic trips you can do by plane in Spain. The cheapest fare was 24510 pesetas then and Iberia now charges 360,89 euros. The cheapest fare I get on the Melilla-Valverde trip is almost 450 euros, in a combined Iberia and Binter ticket (Iberia does not fly there any more)
Dos anuncios de 1988, "Cataluña intercontinental" (similar a Galicia Intercontinental, desde Barcelona) y otro de su sistema de reservas, ridículamente anticuado incluso entonces.
Two advertisements included in the 1988 brochure. There is one about "Cataluña Intercontinental" (same procedure as Galicia Intercontinental, with a special flight from Barcelona) and another one about their reservations system. I remember this ad being ridiculously outdated even then.
Otro folleto más moderno, sin fecha, pero de mediados de los 90, aproximadamente, con las tarifas de los vuelos domésticos desde Madrid:
A later brochure, undated (mid 90's, I guess) which only shows domestic fares from Madrid:
Artículo de El País (1982) sobre las tarifas mini de Iberia
Newspaper article (from 1982) about Iberia "mini" fares
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