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Varig was the kind of airline that was a true national symbol for its home country, Brazil. It actually was one of those carriers that really belonged to a better, golden era of air travel. It was the main Brazilian airline and it had an amazingly big route network, which stretched as far as Tokyo, covered most of western Europe, all of the Americas and some African destinations. Many of these routes are not longer operated by any airline.
Flota e itinerarios, incluyendo los vuelos de las filiales domésticas Cruzeiro y Rio Sul:
Fleet and flight itineraries, including domestic affiliates Cruzeiro and Rio Sul:
Vuelos internacionales desde Rio de Janeiro y São Paulo:
International flights from Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo:
Mapas de rutas. Por alguna razón, Oporto, Madrid y Barcelona aparecen ridículamente mal colocados en el mapa.
Route maps. For some reason, Varig always managed to ridiculously misplace Madrid, Barcelona and Oporto on the map.