viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013

Olympic Airways (1993)

Muy poco tiene que ver la Olympic Air actual, una compañía regional con apenas unos cuantos destinos fuera de Grecia, con la Olympic de los 90,  con una red de rutas que abarcaba desde Toronto hasta Sydney.

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There is little left of the former Olympic Airways, whose network streteched from Toronto to Sydney, in the current Olympic Air, a little regional airline with just a handful of destinations outside Greece.

Normalmente, las aerolíneas se mantienen muy neutrales en temas políticos y es raro encontrar una propaganda tan clara como la de esta portada de Olympic... esta era la época en la que la República de Macedonia se independizaba. En realidad, los griegos insisten en que la llamemos la Ex-República Yugoslava de Macedonia ¬¬ aunque ese nombre, fuera de en el festival de Eurovision, no lo utilice nadie...

Supongo que dentro de la misma línea de  fastidiar a los macedonios a toda costa, Olympic renombró su  filial charter (Oympic Air Tours) y le puso el nombre Macedonian Airlines ; además de vuelos charter, operaba algunos vuelos para la matriz.

Airlines are normally very neutral on political issues and it is very uncommon to find a bold political statement on a timetable cover such as this one. Around this year the Republic of Macedonia became independent and the Greeks insist on calling the country "the former Ex-Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)" , a name that is never used outside the Eurovision Song Contest. 

Living up to this "let's piss the Macedonian off" spirit, Olympic renamed its charter branch (Olympic Air Tours) as Macedonian Airlines. This airline also operated some flights for the Olympic mainline.

Olympic Aviation era la filial doméstica y de aerotaxi.
Olympic Aviation was a domestic operator and aerotaxi airline.

La programación completa de vuelos de Olympic está recogida en estas páginas de itinerarios:
The full Olympic schedules are included in the flight routings pages:

2 comentarios:

  1. Olympic Airways was a government owned airline and this explains its political statement on a subject that is still very delicate here in Greece .
    your subject on the airline maps is excellent,i have come across many other exapmles (Syrian Air, kenya Airways..)

    1. Hi Kristian ... Yep, I forgot to mention Olympic was under Government control back then... Still, it is not so common, even for State-owned airlines, to make such moves.

      I suppose you are Greek, or live in Greece ? There are lots of Greek timetables and things about Greek aviation in your blog. I loved it ! Not only the timetable section (of course !) but also the "a plane, a name" section !

      Thanks for passing by !


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