Este es un horario local de vuelos entre Rusia (Moscu y San Petersburgo, conocida por entonces como Leningrado) y el Reino Unido (Londres y Manchester), con algunas conexiones, aunque también había un vuelo directo Londres-Tokyo con escala en Moscú (!)
También llaman la atención las extrañas frecuencias con las que se servían algunos destinos, con vuelos cada 15 días o una vez al menos. En parte, era la forma de justificar una red mundial tan inmensa, sin contar una gran cantidad de vuelos domésticos en la URSS.
In 1991 Aeroflot still was the world's largest airline. Soon after the publication of this timerable, however, the airline would began to shrink. Hundreds from smaller airlines resulted from the collapse of the USSR and the former "soviet airlines" regional subdivisons became flag carriers of new independent states.
The airline had to face very harsh critics published in the media worlwide. Some of them were justified (as Aeroflot had a very bad customer service reputation), but many other were not (as many safety incidents in those years were not to Aeroflot to blame)
This local edition timetable shows flights between the UK (London and Manchester) and Russia (Moscow and Saint Petersburg, known as Leningrad back then) . Some onward connections via Moscow are also shown, bu there was also a trough London-Moscow-Tokyo direct service (!)
Some destinations were only served once a month, or every two weeks. Still, the airline had a huge worlwide network, besides a whopping amount of domestic flights in the USSR.
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