jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

Netherlines (1985)

Incluso un país tan pequeño  y con una excelente red de ferrocarriles como Holanda tuvo en su momento vuelos domésticos. Netherlines era una empresa holandesa que volaba con Jetstream 31 (más tarde añadió un SAAB 340 a su flota) una curiosa red de vuelos en Holanda (a Enschede y Groningen) y a los países vecinos. Hoy en día ya no existen esos vuelos internos.

En 1992 Netherlines se fusionó con NLM para formar la filial regional de KLM, KLM Cityhopper.

The Netherlands is a very small country with an excelent railway system. Still, there once were some domestic flights. Netherlines was a Dutch regional carrier that flew with Jetstream 31 aircraft (later a SAAB 340 was added to the fleet) from Amsterdam to some domestic destinations (Groningen, Enschede) and to neighbouring countries. There are no domestic services in the Netherlands any more.

In 1992 Netherlines was merged with NLM and both airlines now fly under the KLM Cityhopper name as the KLM regional branch.

Como otras veces, creo que puede ser interesante echarle un vistazo a las tarifas de esa época.
As I did before, I suggest comparing the published fares with the current price level.
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